Tuesday 18 December 2012

My India Videos!

I'm no Steven Spielberg, and I'm not Bill Gates. But I did take these videos, and I did learn how to put them on YouTube, so I'm going to share them!

Both are from my trip to Kerala, India in January 2011. I went with i to i Volunteering and wrote a detailed blog about the trip here so these are just some (badly shot, amateur!) videos that hopefully give you a bit of an idea what I got up to :)

Elephant bathing. We were able to get in their with them and help scrub behind their ears too!

On our last day volunteering, the kids at our school put on a show. This is some of the older girls showing off their traditional Keralan dance moves. Every year all of the special schools in the area have a dance competition and they were practicing this routine for that :)

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